Buzzy Seeds Watercress

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Buzzy Watercress

Watercress (Rorippa) is a perennial aquatic plant that occurs naturally in clear streams and rivers. Watercress is also called cresson. The plant grows in the wild in Europe and North America. It originated from the time of the Romans. Who saw watercress as an important, valuable salad plant. Only later it was known that it meant a great source of vitamin C, and they were able to avoid scurvy with. Watercress is particularly rich in vitamins and inorganic salts. It is a real power source. Watercress is a low calorie vegetables and rich in iron, calcium, iodine, vitamin A and C. In addition, watercress has a beneficial effect on the nerves and high blood pressure. Watercress has a blood cleansing and diuretic properties and helps to stimulate the appetite. The green leaves are rich in sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails.

Also in the kitchen is good to use. Watercress is like other cherry species mainly used raw in salads, but is also often used in soups. The fruit tastes a little peppery.


To cultivate watercress nature should be imitated. The plants thrive best in a moist as possible spot in your garden. Mid-April to July outdoors in a moist seedbed; prick out once and then plant out in a shady, damp place.