Buzzy Seeds Chinese Garlic

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Buzzy Chinese Garlic - Chives 

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) is a crop that can remain consecutive years. Origin probably lies in Siberia and East Asia. In the Netherlands we know through Italy. Chives It grows well on all soil types. There are more famous allium species such as the coarse chives (Allium fistulosum article 01030), chinese garlic chives (Allium tuberosum item 01028) and of course the onion (Allium cepa) and leek (Allium porrum).

Chives has a fine, delicate flavor. Chive Stems are long, narrow and grassy. If they are not cut, they get into the second year of beautiful violet-blue flowers. Therefore, they are also often used as border plants. Chives is usually applied in dishes. Cut the stalks into small pieces and process them in salads and vinaigrettes. Sprinkle over cooked potatoes or mix them with mashed potatoes. For use in hot dishes chives should never be cooked. Add the chives just before serving, in order to maintain the taste. Chives contain a lot of vitamin C and can be frozen. Excellent Besides chive seasoning is also suitable as a medicinal herb. Chives works, like all plants of the onion family, diuretic. Chives promotes digestion and stimulates the appetite. It also drives suck off Stilt cough and strengthens the body.


Chives should be sown in the period March - August Preferably outdoors in a row, separated by 20 cm. space. Do not put in the full sun, preferably, partial shade or shade is better. Keep the soil moist.

Chives can be grown inside. On a windowsill or on the balcony in a flowerpot Approximately 6 weeks after sowing of the crop can begin the long stems. Repeat this several times until the autumn. Cut the garlic near the bottom off, the plant will then begin to run out again.

In autumn, some plants from the garden in a pot put the blade cut and indoors again grow. Thus, in the winter months, fresh and healthy chives available.